Brand Design

Data, the world runs on it, this brand helps people make sense of all the 1s and 0s.

Project details
Technology / Data Product
Art Direction
Brand Design
Brand Guidelines & Useage
Branded Illustrations
Motion Design
UX/UI design
Webflow Design & Development
Visual Identity

Our partnership with Deep Channel marked the start of an exciting project where Azai Studios leveraged its expertise in data software and technology. Deep Channel provides businesses and data professionals with cutting-edge data analytics solutions designed to enhance their data processes. Recognizing our specialized skills, Deep Channel entrusted us with defining their brand identity, ensuring it reflects their commitment to innovation and data-driven insights.

When we first met the founder, he mentioned that the industry often feels dry and boring. He envisioned a brand that someone would feel cool and proud to wear on swag—something that stands out as a fresh new take.As a platform designed by data industry professionals for enthusiasts and experts, Deep Channel needed an identity that was bold, informative, and streamlined—just like its product. Azai Studios crafted a brand language that embodied these values, ensuring consistency across all touchpoints and resonating with their audience. Inspired by data, we developed a signature mark derived from data lineage graphs, incorporating the letters “D” and “C” to reflect the brand’s core.

Through compelling narrative and creative development, we aimed to capture the essence of Deep Channel's mission: while data is endless, your workflow shouldn’t be.


Enough about us, let’s show the world what you’re all about.

For over a decade, we've helped business & entrepreneurs around the world create brands that not only look beautiful, but have a positive impact on their customers, employees, and bottom line.